Sunday, March 7, 2010

Other countries's involvement in the korean war

United Nations Security Council asked all its members to assist in repelling the North Korean attack.
Example: Australia. Australia was part of United Nations. So they got involved too, under the UN forces. On June 29, 1950, Prime Minister Robert Menzies placed two of the Royal Navy’s ships – the destroyer Bataan and the frigate Shoalhaven. Later the Australian government increased its military support to 3 infantry battalions, a fighter squadron, an aircraft carrier, 4 destroyers, and 4 frigates.

The UN force had many countries supporting it in the war against North Korea:
Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia,France, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands,New Zealand,Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, and of course the United States. The total number of troops numbered around 1.1 million.
The UN got involved mainly due to the big influence of the US.



  1. Again, my question is "What's the group's views on the involvement of other countries in the Korean War?" bearing in mind that this is a Research Topic of the group.

  2. Our group feels that "other countries" cannot be entirely "blamed" for intervening, as they only did so under the UN, which was heavily influenced by the US. Individually as a country, the extent of influence would not be so large. However, here there are many countries that are involved, and the War became more "global". Thus, to our group, it seems that there is a large extent of interferences.
